Commercial cards are more sophisticated charge card products that are to be paid in full within 30 days and earn high interchange for your bank.
They support a Rebate feature that can be customized by your bank to provide a cash rebate in the amount and on the schedule determined by your bank.
Corporate Cards include low APR cards with no rewards and rewards cards. They are often used by medium and large companies, non-profits, and municipalities for employee and business expenses.
Purchasing Cards are the fastest-growing type of corporate card. Like Corporate Cards, they are often used by medium and large companies, non-profits, and municipalities for employee and business expenses, but also include Virtual and Ghost Cards to support ePayables for vendor invoice payments. They support a Rebate feature that can be customized by the issuer to provide a cash rebate in the amount and on the schedule determined by the issuer.
Fleet Cards are used by organizations with a fleet of vehicles. They can be driver or vehicle issued and include special features like the ability to enter mileage at the pump and capture gallons, price, grade, pump number, store name, and location with the payment.